Friday, October 17, 2014

Project Update 10/17

So sorry for the lack of post on Monday, we had a busy week and things just got away from me. Unfortunately the next week won't be much better so you will still get a post on Monday ( it is half written already) but the yarn review will wait another week. So if you have an opinion on what yarn you want me to review next you have a bit of time to let me know. Must be easily bought in my area, worsted weight yarn. Thank you for bearing with me, now to see what I have been working on.

I spent the weekend working on ponies and got the Rainbow Dash's mostly done, they just need cutie marks. I really like how the little one came out, it's fun doing that much hair for such a little pony. Obviously the big one was finished before but I love how they look as a whole set. 

I got the giant Pinkie Pie's main done, which took a lot longer than I would have liked but I like how it came out in the end.

Having finished those I decided to work on the only Fluttershy I had left to do so I started on this litle guy. I am still working on my pattern for the little ponies, trying to figure out the size of the noses and eyes, head placement, etc. I also decided to make their legs a bit longer than the tiny Eevees and I really like how it looks. I think her tail came out a lot better than Rainbow Dash's I just wish the main didn't crimp up so much but those are the little complications that making a tiny pony brings up.

I was going to start on Rarity when I finished that up but to my great surprise and joy, I actually got an order form my shop this week. I have a set of Eevees to finish up, my client wants the leaf Eevee, Leafeon, which I had only started on a tiny plushie for so I have set everything else aside to work on these. I have been working my fingers off to get them out as soon as possible and it's making me aware of just how much work they are, I may have to up my prices in the future. But I think I have done a pretty decent amount of work on them for two days, I have all heads and torsos done, starting work on ears and legs next. I'm a bit anxious about the felting but that doesn't come until the end.

They are coming out a bit bigger than the Glaceons, I accidentally used a G hook instead of an F but I'm having no problem with stuffing showing so I figure why not make them bigger? So tune in next Friday to see them finished. I have a wedding tomorrow and rehearsal this afternoon (congratulations Nate and Erin!!!) so hopefully I can really buckle down the rest of the week and get these plushies hammered out.

Before starting on the Leafeons I got a bit more work done on Princess Luna. I am at a stand still right now due to running out of he blue. I have been to all three craft stores in my area this week and none of them have it. I'm trying to decide whether to just wait and try again after the commissions are done, order online, or look in Walmart, will probably just wait. But she is definitely going faster than Cadence did which is a good sign and shows how much I learned making her.

Thanks for taking a look and sorry I don't have time to say more. Have a great weekend and I will see you on Monday!

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