Friday, January 16, 2015

Project Update 1-16

Hello and welcome back my lovely readers. I hope you have had a wonderful week. I know mine went too quickly, never enough time to get everything done. But I did manage to get some things finished and I hope you wan to see them.

I finished up my Celestia from last week, still unsure about some parts of the pattern but I will work on them more in the future. Really don't like how the cutie mark on this one came out. It's so detailed it's very hard to make it appropriately small. I will play around more and try and find better ways of doing the sun. I only got the one pony done this week because I got back to work on my giant Luna plushie after putting her aside for a few months. I am still working on the mane, I got back to work on it on Monday. I fear she will never be finished.

Then I finished up the Horsea I was working on last week. As unhappy as I was with the felting on Celestia, I am thrilled with how the felting on these eyes came out. The colors being so contrasting on each other really makes them pop. This guy was a lot of fun to make and I was very impressed with the pattern. I'm kind of sad to be finished with him.

Onto the next Pokemon plushie. I'm still trying to get all of the Eevee forms finished and I get to work on one of my favorites right now, Sylveon, the fairy type. I am a big fan of the bright pinks no surprise) and more girly colors so this is one I've wanted to make for a while. She has some difficult details that I'm not looking forward to, but the end result will definitely be worth it. 

As a geek/gamer girl, this little guy was really a requirement for me to make eventually, it's Yoshi from the Mario games! I've always loved the little green dinosaur so this guy was a lot of fun. He was definitely a challenge though, with 16 separate pieces, he's a lot more work that it looks like. This is always worrying when I'm making pieces to sell as a simple looking plushie that is complex is hard to justify the price on. But the work was worth it as I think he is just adorable.

The last project I have been working on this week definitely shows you how much of a geek I am. You might have heard of a little comic called Homestuck? Probably not but it's pretty popular with the younger geeks and I've recently been really enjoying it. Anyway several of the mane chaarcters are trolls (it's complicated) and, therefor, have horns so I have started making hats based off of the different trolls and their horns. I'm starting with Sollux and hope to make 1 for each of the 12 trolls (because I'm kind of crazy like that). I didn't find any patterns I like so I'm making them up as I go along, I might put them up on the blog eventually for you all to enjoy.

So that's about it for this week. As usually I have a few other little things in the works but they are mostly too incomplete to be worth showing (If I've shown you one amigurumi that's only the first 6 or so rows you know what they'll all look like) but you will get to see them next week. Have a great weekend and I will see you back next time!

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