Thursday, April 30, 2015

Brain Slugs Pattern

It's been quiet a while so I thought I would give you something to apologize. This is not a guarentee I'm back to posting regularly but it's a start. With no further ado...let's make some brain slugs!

Baby Brain Slug

These little guys are fun and make up in about 20 minutes or less.
You will need:
A small ball of Worsted weight yarn (this is a great scraps eater) in the color of your choice, but you'll probably want green
A G hook 4.0/4.5 depending on your tension. Make sure your fluff doesn't show
1 25 mm white safety or googly eye or felt to make an eye
A small handfull of fiberfill or yarns scraps
a yarn needle

1. Make a macgic circle 6 sc
2. inc around (12)
3. (sc, inc) around (18)
4-10. sc around
11. sc flo (sl, 2hdc, sl, sc, 2dc, sc) around (24) (you should have 6 little waves of alternating sizes)
add eye if safety eye and stuff
11b. Blo (sc, dec) around (12)
12. Dec around (6)
bind off leaving a tail to close off your 6 remaining stitches

1. Pick up on stitch on one side of the head in the 3rd row out, ch. 6
2. 2 sc in 2nd stitch from end, sl down the rest of the stitches. sc in the stitch you picked up to chain into. Bind off and hind all ends

Repeat on the other side.

Using hot glue you can attach you slug to a hair clip, headband or unwitting family members. Enjoy!

Please let me know if you find any problems with the pattern or have any questions.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Project Update 1-23

Hello and welcome back my lovely readers. I hope you had a wonderful week. I do apologize for the lack of other updates I promise I am working on some less egotistical posts. In the meantime, here's some stuff I worked on this week! I appreciate you wanting to take a look.

I finished up this little cutie that I started last week. I will be honest with you, I think this is the cutest thing I have ever made!  There was a ton of felting work to it with the eyes and headpiece (still not sure I got the eyes right) and I will definitely want to make the ears longer if I make another one.  I think it is very important in our art to not be afraid to change a pattern as we go and truly make it our own, a pattern should always be seen like a recipe; as a good start that you can perfect to your own liking.

On the topic of pokemon, after finishing up the Sylveon above, I started on a new one. The ancestor of all pokemon: Mew! This guy came together faster than I expected which is nice. The head was a pain in the ass to get on straight, I had undo and resew it four times which is a record for me. I think I should have angled it down a bit more but I'm generally happy. Not happy was the fact that I broke another felting needle while working on the eyes an now can't finsh them until our car is out of the shop and I can get to the store. But in the meantime, just eyes and tail to go and still little guy wil be done. Next I am back to the Eevees with the fire type, Flareon.

Then more ponies, always more ponies. Still working on Princess Luna, I finally finished her mane (much MUCH rejoicing) I'm not proud of it but I don't think it looks terrible. Not to get the rest of the head pieces sewn on, finish the shoes, and get on the wings. I really enjoy making these wings so it's like my reward for finishing the plushie. I will just be glad to finally have her finished. Then just working on another little pony, trying to up my stock a bit honestly I figure y'all are bored with seeing the same half finished ponies over and over so I will spare you, it's just a hairless white pony.

Speaking of trying to up my stock, I've been working on more Cthulhus. I was just randomly playing around with some of my Deborah Norville's Everyday striped yarn the other day and I absolutey love how they stripe up with this pattern. I have a lot of this yarn to use up so I am thrilled to have found a project it goes perfectly with. I look forward to being able to put out a whole rainbow of these little guys at my next show.

if you're curious, It's sitting on the game map for Sentinels of the Multiverse

Trying to find some more little quick projects like my octopi and cthulhus I came across this little kitten pattern. It is a bit more sewing required than I want for the kind of thing but It's so dang cute I might keep making them anyway. Not much to say, just a cute tiny kitten amigurumi.

Finally I finished up the hat I was working on last week. If you missed it, this is based off a character from a webcomic called Homestuck. The character is the troll Sollux Captor known for wearing red/blue glasses so it just made sense for me to do the braids one in red/black and one in blue/black.  haven't done braided tassel hats before and I'm pretty happy with how it came out, way less work than the I-cord I've made in the past. I plan to start posting the patterns for these guys in the future but I want to perfect the horn patterns a little more first but please let me know if you are interested and I will speed up that process.

And that's it for this week. As you can see I'm really trying to work on more little projects as well as finishing up some old larger ones. It's definitely a nice feeling completing so many things, though my house is quickly being taken over by them! Join me again next week, I'll try and have a Monday/Tuesday post up (Its mostly written) but don't want to make promises. Have a great weekend and goo luck with your projects!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Project Update 1-16

Hello and welcome back my lovely readers. I hope you have had a wonderful week. I know mine went too quickly, never enough time to get everything done. But I did manage to get some things finished and I hope you wan to see them.

I finished up my Celestia from last week, still unsure about some parts of the pattern but I will work on them more in the future. Really don't like how the cutie mark on this one came out. It's so detailed it's very hard to make it appropriately small. I will play around more and try and find better ways of doing the sun. I only got the one pony done this week because I got back to work on my giant Luna plushie after putting her aside for a few months. I am still working on the mane, I got back to work on it on Monday. I fear she will never be finished.

Then I finished up the Horsea I was working on last week. As unhappy as I was with the felting on Celestia, I am thrilled with how the felting on these eyes came out. The colors being so contrasting on each other really makes them pop. This guy was a lot of fun to make and I was very impressed with the pattern. I'm kind of sad to be finished with him.

Onto the next Pokemon plushie. I'm still trying to get all of the Eevee forms finished and I get to work on one of my favorites right now, Sylveon, the fairy type. I am a big fan of the bright pinks no surprise) and more girly colors so this is one I've wanted to make for a while. She has some difficult details that I'm not looking forward to, but the end result will definitely be worth it. 

As a geek/gamer girl, this little guy was really a requirement for me to make eventually, it's Yoshi from the Mario games! I've always loved the little green dinosaur so this guy was a lot of fun. He was definitely a challenge though, with 16 separate pieces, he's a lot more work that it looks like. This is always worrying when I'm making pieces to sell as a simple looking plushie that is complex is hard to justify the price on. But the work was worth it as I think he is just adorable.

The last project I have been working on this week definitely shows you how much of a geek I am. You might have heard of a little comic called Homestuck? Probably not but it's pretty popular with the younger geeks and I've recently been really enjoying it. Anyway several of the mane chaarcters are trolls (it's complicated) and, therefor, have horns so I have started making hats based off of the different trolls and their horns. I'm starting with Sollux and hope to make 1 for each of the 12 trolls (because I'm kind of crazy like that). I didn't find any patterns I like so I'm making them up as I go along, I might put them up on the blog eventually for you all to enjoy.

So that's about it for this week. As usually I have a few other little things in the works but they are mostly too incomplete to be worth showing (If I've shown you one amigurumi that's only the first 6 or so rows you know what they'll all look like) but you will get to see them next week. Have a great weekend and I will see you back next time!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Project Update 1-9

Hello and welcome back my lovely readers! I hope you have all had a wonderful rest of your week and aren't being hit too hard by the post Christmas blues. As I said last time I am finally back into my normal routine of Crocheting and feeling very happy to be back to it. I've been picking up a few new patterns I have been excited to try and trying to refill my inventory for the events for this year. My business partner and I are trying to hit a lot more shows so I am trying to find the balance of adding new things and making sure I have enough of my big sellers.

Speaking of big, after I made the big goblin for my friend I just had to make another, this time with an actual crown. I just couldn't resist using the adorable speckled pink I picked up a while ago in a grab bag for the pants. I don't generally like multicolored or variegated yarns so goblin pants is a good place to use them up. I think the crown pattern still needs work (I doubled up a gold yarn and did 2 rows of straight stitches then a ripple of sc, dc, tr, dc, sc) but it's definitely a good start.

I started work on another Princess Celestia plushie after the last one sold and I'm playing around with giving them shoes. Not sure how much I like it, maybe less rows in the yellow? Definitely another pattern I will have to play around with in the future. I am also thinking of giving them a bit longer of necks (currently 2 rows , thinking of going to 3 or 4) if you are so inclined, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.  If you missed me talking about it before, these guy have actual necks, longer legs, longer torsos, and longer horns and wings than the usual ponies, so far I have had a great response from them, definitely worth the work.

Then I'm still working on Pokemon but trying to branch out a bit and make something other than Eevees (though I still have more of them to make too.) I found 2 wonderful resources for pokemon patterns, Wolf Dreamer has a bunch of wonderful free patterns in her blog, and this list which shows all the pokemon and if there is a pattern or not. It does not seem to still be updating, but there is still an amazing amount of resources there.

Last week I had just come home from the store and had picked up a skein on yarn. My husband and I sat down to watch TV so I only had the yarn I had with me to play with  (because I am rather lazy) so I decided to pull up Wolf Dreamers page and just start on the first pokemon I found that needed that bright blue. I'm not a huge fan of this guy, Horsea but I think he's coming out pretty cute. I always enjoy giving myself a challenge and working on something new, you always learn something new.

And finally this is the only project I was working on at all last week while I was taking some time off, Spyro the Dragon for the video game series of the same name. I really enjoy the games so I had a lot of fun making this guy. I was really impressed with the pattern, I think it is the more accurate to the character pattern I have worked with so far. I hated having to work with wire for the wings but I think it was definitely worth it.

I have a couple other projects in the works but they are just started so nothing really interesting to show yet, come back for those next week. For now I'll be finishing these guys up over the weekend and on to more fun things. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you back next week!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

And We're Back

Hello and welcome back my lovely readers! It has been a while, hasn't it? I hope you all have a wonderful Holidays and New Years. I ended up ting some unplanned time off between finishing up Christmas presents and then just spending time with fiends, reorganizing some things in the house, and working on some less fun business stuff after the holidays. But are back now and I do hope to be updating for you more regularly this year. Today I just want to talk about some things I'm working on and get back in the swing of blogging.

I mentioned I was working on a bunch of christmas presents, sadly I don't have pictures of everything but I will show what I have.
My Grandmother-in-law absolutely loved the shawl I was working on for her. Seeing her face when she unwrapped it was absolutely the most magical moment of the holiday.

Most of the family got hats, a helmet style,super warm hat in his favorite football teams colors for my father in law, a monkey hat for my nephew and a bright green and black fox hat for my husbands uncle. His work requires him to wear neon colors so I had to make him a neon hat. I sadly did not manage to get a picture of all the boys in their hats yet. The I made a Green Lantern plushie for my husband (Who has hidden it so no pics of that either) I spent a lot of time looking at pictures of his favorite version of the character (Kyle) and making sure the uniform was just right, and it definitely payed of. Finally I made a Gir plushie (from Invader Zim) for my Sister-In-law, he was so cute I almost didn't let her have him.
the bottle is a necklace made by my business partner Kristel's Kreations

 Then there were a few presents for friends, a fox plushie for one friend who is a huge fox friend, a Sam Hain plushie for his wife (which came out way more adorable than a horror icon has the right to!) and a pair of goblin for my buisness partner. I've given her a couple of my regular sized goblins before so I had to add to her army with a tiny goblin (not tiny enough, next time will use fingering weight) and the goblin king made from bulky weight.
It was a lot of fun working on presents and getting to make some things that I wouldn't normally be able to either due to obscurity or them just not selling well (like shawls, I love making them but they take forever) but it's good to be back to my normal fare. Back to pokemon and ponies and video game characters.

Sorry this post was a bit short, I will be back later this week with a more normal update. I hope you all have a great week and good luck starting those new years resolutions!