Hello and welcome back my lovely readers...there was a post here on Monday, it's gone now. That is really annoying. There may be a double post next week if I can find it again. Anyway welcome back to another exciting episode of "what have I been making this week!" Except it's more like 3 weeks so expect lots of stuff. Let us see where we left off.
Let's start with ponies. I've been trying to finish up that set of big ponies I started for the last show and really have not gotten enough done on them. I finished one Pinkie Pie, I'm doing some things different with her. I found a darker pink that works better for her main and tail and I'm using double strands and a K hook instead of just doing a ton of long curls with a single strand. I think it looks better. Then I'm working on a Rarity and Fluttershy to finish off the set. They still need heads. Still very slowly working on the giant Luna but not enough to share new pictures of her yet.
I've been working on a few more Pokemon plushies, I think I'm a bit obsessed. I even picked up a forth pattern for them. One of my favorite designers,
Nerdy Knitter, has started making patterns of the eeveelutions. Of course I had to start with the Glaceon. Then I also finished up an Espeon I ended up doing the pieces under the ears in just brushed out yarn, I think it looks better than anything I could have done with making up a crocheted piece. My biggest problem with these is always finding the right color, they seem to vary so much. I went with the pinkish purple for the Espeon because I just thought it looked the best. I'm working on another eeveelution but that will get it's own post it's an interesting project.
I ave also been really trying to increase my inventory of octopi, they are my namesakes after all. I have been using them as a way to get through some yarn I picked up at goodwill over the years and is just not consistent enough for character plushie work. I had my husband pick me out a color at random and he picked out this orange almost skin toned color which I decided would be a bit weird for the whole plushie, but I had a lot of fun pairing it with other colors.
I also had to replace a giant dapper octi I sold an decided to make use of some multi-colored chunky yarn I had. I'm not generally a fan of that kind of multi-colored yarn where the strands are just twisted together, I prefer stripes, but I think he looks pretty cute. And finally I am finishing up another pokeball octopus. I'm glad I finally got some more yellow eyes for them, I just think it sets off the red/white/black nicely.
I am not really a fan of amigurumi dolls, as you know I am terrible at and hate colorwork but these patterns are just so cute! I have another pair or Batman (the other one is already packed up so he didn't make it into the picture). I've been watching old Justice League episodes so haing a lto of fun making these. Then I was playing around with the pattern, reworking colors and elongating some pieces and made a Finn from Adventure Time. I think it's a good start but definitely needs less neck next time.
And I have finally finished up the shawl for my husband's grandmother. I am sure it will look a lot better once I have washed and blocked it. I love making shawls but I can't seem to sell them so at least I can still make them as presents. Unfortunately this is the only Christmas present I have finished so far, so once I finish up my last event of the year next weekend I will be going a bit present crazy. I think I will have to show those off after Christmas because while I know my Grandmother in law doesn't read my blog, some of the others I am making presents for might.
Well that's about it for this time folks. I feel like I did not get much done for two weeks, I've been spending a lot of time with friends, and Thanksgiving got in the way. Things always get busy this time of year. I hope all your Christmas presents are going well and you are more prepared than I. You may have noticed the change in location for my pictures. I hated how messy they were in the background before, having my office in our bedroom makes it very hard to keep tidy. So I cleaned out some room on my yarn shelf. For those who are curious this is what that looks like. (art in the background is from the webcomics
discord, and
Johnny Wander not all of which are safe for work so read responsibly) I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next time!
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